I am an heir to a jagged edged apprehension:
no one and no thing will claim me
by claiming,
teach me to claim myself.
As I race toward the grave
mainlining self-doubt,
snorting regret,
confusing mere stimulation for feeling and
pulse for life;
My repreve comes in
the echo of a soul writ large,
a voice laced with crystal sugar and
singing of joyful misery without the
oft obligatory shame.
It is a voice that
repeats a vow I had only heard before
in dreams;
a promise
to cry my tears when I can't.
*Written in tribute to Amy Winehouse. I wanted to express what her music has meant to me. Artists have the power to transform the consciousness of others, but they can pay a heavy price for that power. I hope that Amy has the peace in death that she could not find in life.